COMICS members are involved in the 20cc Doctoral Schools course on Text, Image Sound: Intermedial Crossings starting this Wednesday!
Interested in individual lectures or reading groups? Please contact
COMICS members are involved in the 20cc Doctoral Schools course on Text, Image Sound: Intermedial Crossings starting this Wednesday!
Interested in individual lectures or reading groups? Please contact
Our colleagues Giorgio Busi Rizzi and Eva Van de Wiele are hosting at Ghent University an Italian-language summer school Ricerca a fumetti: generi, forme, declinazioni from July 12 to 15, 2021. The call is open until May 1st.
Comics have long relied on reinforcing reader identity formation whether through interest, age group or hobbies. Constructed and largely mythical notions of gendered readership consequently became key aspects of many of these comics. As gendered products, comics have constructed feminine role models and identities to which girls have replied with both rebellion and conformity. The aim of this symposium is to inspire and promote discourse around comparative constructions of girlhood. This exploration will consider relationships between and influences on European girls’ comics in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Due to the pandemic of covid-19, this conference will take place online. To attend the talks, register here.
Download the full programme in PDF.
If you wish to read the abstracts and want to get to know our participants better, download the AbstractBook.
11 – 12:30 | Welcome – Dona Pursall & Eva Van de Wiele (Ghent University) |
Keynote – Mel Gibson (Northumbria University Newcastle) Professional Identity, Girlhood Comics, Affection, Nostalgia and Embarrassment + Q&ALearn about her publications and trainings on her website. |
13:30 – 14:30 | Panel 1 – Disability in Girl Comics (Chair: John Miers) |
Charlotte J. Fabricius (University of Southern Denmark) Beyond the WASP: Disability, Community, and Girl Power in The Unstoppable Wasp |
JoAnn Purcell (York University and Seneca College) What Does a Girl with an Intellectual Disability Really Want? |
15 – 16:30 | Panel 2 – Beyond Fact and Fiction (Chair: Michel De Dobbeleer) |
María Porras Sánchez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) ‘A harrowing, transient girlhood’: Representations of Refugee Girls in the Context of European Migrant Crisis |
Giorgio Busi Rizzi (Ghent University) Green Apples Sometimes Fall Far from the Tree: The Evolution of Valentina Mela Verde from the Pedagogy of Girlhood to Engaged Realism |
Özlem Alioğlu Türker (Ankara University) Sıdıka Behind the Window and the Women’s Activism in Turkey |
17 – 18:30 | Round table |
Monalesia Earle (independent scholar) and Joe Sutliff Sanders (Cambridge University) discuss Hilda and the Black Hound by Luke Pearson, Jeg rømmer by Mari Kanstad Johnsen, Sardine by Emmanuel Guibert and Joann Sfar | |
19 – 20:30 | Panel 3 – Beyond Judgement (Chair: Jessica Burton) |
Alison Halsall (York University Toronto) ‘Friendship to the max!’: The Lumberjanes’ Collectivist and Feminist Revision of the Scouting Story |
Joan Ormrod (Manchester Metropolitan University) ‘It’s fun-it’s new and it’s all for YOU’: Modernity and the Active Female Body in Mirabelle 1964-1967 |
Marine Berthiot (University of Edinburgh) Developing A Style of One’s Own in Mophead, a Graphic Novel by Selina Tusitala Marsh (2019) |
Interview with Dr. Jesus Jiménez Varea, Vice Chair of theiCOn-MICS Action -Investigation on Comics and Graphic Novels in the Iberian Cultural Area (CA19119) and on girls in comics | |
Book presentation and interview – Valentine Gallardo & Mathilde Van Gheluwe: Pendant que le loup n’y est pas
9:30 – 11 | Panel 4 – A Space for Girls’ (Comics) (Chair: Gert Meesters) |
Sylvain Lesage (Université de Lille) Girls’ Comics, The Lost Continent of the Ninth Art? |
Aswathy Senan (The Research Collective Delhi) |
11:15 – 12:15 |
Panel 5 – Feminists in Training (Chair: Ivan Pintor Iranzo) |
Nicoletta Mandolini (Universidade do Minho) |
Amanda Potter (Open University) Girlhood in training: Learning to become a warrior and a woman in The Legend of Wonder Woman (2015-16) Age of Conan: Valeria (2019) and A Man Among Ye(2020) |
14 – 15 |
Keynote 2 – Julia Round (Bournemouth University) |
‘There’s no room for demons when you’re self-possessed’: Supernatural Possession in Spellbound and Misty + Q&A
Find out more about Julia Round on her website. |
15:30 – 16:30 | Panel 6 – Beyond Bodies (Chair: Eszter Szép) |
Martha Newbigging (Seneca College Toronto) Drawing Comics: A Methodology to Materialize Queerness Within Childhood |
Barbara Postema (Massey University New Zealand) ‘There are a lot of ways to be marked’: Suffering Bodies in Skim by Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki |
17 – 18 | Panel 7 – Beyond Reading (Chair: Maaheen Ahmed) |
Mel Loucks (New Mexico Military Institute) Out of the Mouths of Babes: Jackie Ormes and the Children of the Civil Rights Movement |
Sébastien Conard (KASK Ghent School of Arts and LUCA Brussels) Death and the Maiden: Charlotte Salomon in Red and Yellow Dots |
Our Padlet is our collective notebook for interesting links and sources. We will use this collaborative tool throughout the symposium. Feel free to add!
3-4 juin 2021, Université libre de Bruxelles
In his doctoral dissertation La Bande dessinée et son double, Jean-Christophe Menu puts forward the notion of a “corpus hors-champ de la bande dessinée” to describe “an entire corpus of works that undoubtedly belong to the field [of comics] but is not integrated into its History, and hence is not recognized as an integral part of the field” (2011, 432). This conference aims at seizing this complex and hard-to-translate notion of the corpus hors-champ, locating an ‘outside’ of comics. Beyond its specific use in Menu’s theoretical discourse, this notion can facilitate the convergence of various research interests to bring forward objects for scrutiny that were held at the margins of comics studies.
The ‘outside’ invites us to expand our usual corpora to a wider range of objects, works, and practices positioned at the limits and margins of what has been established as ‘field.’ While the effects of demarcation, hierarchization and legitimization linked to the “constitution of the comic strip field” (Boltanski 1975) have been quite clear, its constitution has also been nuanced (Maigret 1994) and the unity of the field itself is not necessarily self-evident. Rather than trying in vain to redefine the parameters of the field, this symposium invites a broad and changing understanding of the ‘field’, where its ‘inside’ (champ) and ‘outside’ (hors-champ) are caught in a dynamic tension. For all its spatial connotations, the ‘field’ appears as a moving target: a work, a practice, an object can slide from center to periphery and vice versa. The chosen focus and approach, together with the methods applied for analysis, fully participate in the construction of this corpus hors-champ.
Following in the tracks opened by Jean-Christophe Menu, comics on the outside could include unpublished works, produced in an intimate or private sphere or distributed through underground channels. The “mutual kinship” between outsider art and comics (Dejasse 2020) provides a point of departure for such an inquiry. This kinship emphasizes production contexts and creator profiles at the margins of common professional and social trajectories. It can also circumscribe affinities with graphic productions that privilege ‘unstudied drawing,’ made without training or through a process of un-training or “deskilling” (Roberts 2010). Such kinship can also be extended to children’s drawings, such as those that Lynda Barry (2014;2019) “saves from the trash” to compose her how-to-cartoon manuals. Stick figures, doodles, and graffiti are moreover repeatedly invoked in Rodolphe Töpffer’s theoretical considerations, of which Thierry Smolderen (2009) has shown the relevance for the longer history of comics. Child productions, scribbled albums, marginalia and doodles, teen zines extend the pleasures of comics reading through appropriation and prolongation but have remained largely invisible in comics studies because of the difficulties they generate as objects of inquiry, especially regarding access and methodologies.
Comics can also be found in circulation networks and distribution channels outside its main cultural industries, where they inhabit a modest and discreet, peripheral position: professional magazines, information bulletins, church tracts, music album covers, political pamphlets, queer and feminist zines, posters and print ephemera. We could also think of comics that remain as “orphan works,” an ambivalent legal status given to works whose copyright owners are unknown. Other practices, finally, thrive through their outsider position: pirate publishing, counterfeit, plagiarism, and such extralegal enterprises moreover use to their advantage their situation in particular geographic or legal zones. The typology elaborated by Tanguy Habrand (2016) to describe a variety of publishing practices outside the traditional publishers’ market can be a helpful inspiration to describe and qualify the specific gestures and techniques, settings and contexts of such initiatives.
Besides identifying new works, objects and practices usually located on the outside of the comics field, we should also consider their annexation, recuperation or integration, processes that unfold over time and distance. One of the objectives of this symposium is to trace the processes through which comics on the outside are moved, displaced, reframed, centered or sent back to the margins. Those movements in and out of the field raise important questions of methods, confronting us with our own disciplinary assumptions.
From a historiographic perspective, Sylvain Lesage has shown the extent to which the album and the construction of comics as “ninth art” has had the effect of sending to the “cultural inferno” a range of productions that were nevertheless at the heart of its cultural life, such as “comics for girls, horror pocket books, ‘drawn novels’, daily strips” (Lesage 2019, 419). If retracing the processes of legitimization and canonization can help us understand the construction of a field (Beaty and Woo 2016), approaching the history of comics from the perspectives of those left at its margins can also be a productive way of interrogating our usual definitions as much as highlighting the blind spots of a retrospective look.
The constitution of a corpus hors-champ thus invites an enhanced reflexivity, thinking from particular cases and choosing the right focus and tools to assess its particularity (Becker 2016). The identification of ‘comics on the outside’ and the recontextualization or appropriation of these objects can also raise difficult but important stakes when it comes to ethics, politics, and ideology.
By casting light on works that are never or rarely taken into account in comics studies, we hope to enrich the spectrum of realizations that are susceptible to discussed in the field. However, our hope is also that the singularity of these new, unusual, unknown or forgotten objects—their esthetic, circulatory or authorial specificities— encourage us to reevaluate the methods of analysis, the theoretical frameworks and the disciplinary habits used to study comics. Livio Belloï and Fabrice Leroy have for instance shown how much the work of Pierre La Police appears as a “wrong object,” a kind of “anti-comics” that “nevertheless forces us to double our efforts in terms of conceptual inventiveness” (2018, 214). This conference can thus be taken as an invitation to bring together wrong objects asking us the right questions.
Dans sa thèse de doctorat La Bande dessinée et son double, Jean-Christophe Menu avance l’idée de « corpus hors-champ de la bande dessinée » pour décrire « tout un corpus d’œuvres relevant […] indéniablement de son domaine mais qu’elle [la bande dessinée] n’intègre pas dans son Histoire, et donc qu’elle ne reconnaît pas comme partie intégrante de son champ » (2011, 432). Ce colloque a pour ambition de se saisir de cette notion de « corpus hors-champ ». Celle-ci est apte à catalyser divers intérêts de recherche et à faire émerger de nouveaux objets d’études jusqu’alors tenus en marge des discours sur la bande dessinée.
Le hors-champ invite ainsi à élargir un corpus à une série d’objets, d’œuvres, de pratiques situées aux limites et aux marges de ce qui est établi comme champ. Les effets de démarcation, de hiérarchisation et de légitimation liés à la « constitution du champ de la bande dessiné » (Boltanski 1975) sont apparus d’avantage en « demi-teinte » (Maigret 1994), autant que l’unité du champ ne fait plus nécessairement valeur commune. Plutôt que de s’essayer à de vaines tentatives de redéfinir le périmètre d’un champ, ce colloque invite à une acception large et fluctuante de celui-ci, défini par effet de contraste : le « hors-champ » est ici envisagé dans une tension dynamique avec le « champ », les deux termes s’impliquant mutuellement. Ces catégories sont en effet mouvantes ; une œuvre, une pratique, un objet pouvant glisser du champ vers le hors-champ et inversement. La focale choisie et la méthode d’approche participent pleinement de la construction de ce « corpus hors-champ ».
À la suite des pistes ouvertes par Jean-Christophe Menu, on peut s’interroger sur des œuvres non-publiées, produites dans une sphère de l’intime et du privé ou transmises par des circulations souterraines. Les « sympathies réciproques » entre art brut et bande dessinée (Dejasse 2020) forment un point d’ancrage pour cette réflexion. Ces « sympathies » font saillir des contextes de production et des profils de créateurs et créatrices en marge des constructions socio-professionnelles habituelles. Elles décrivent aussi des rapports d’affinités avec des productions graphiques qui exhibe le « dessin sans filet », hors des apprentissages, ou par le biais d’un désapprentissage, voire d’une forme de « deskilling » (Roberts 2010). Ces sympathies s’étendent également aux dessins d’enfants, comme ceux que Lynda Barry « sauve de la poubelle » pour composer ses manuels (Barry 2014; 2019). Petits bonhommes, gribouillis, et graffitis forment d’ailleurs autant de figures convoquées par Rodolphe Töpffer dans ses réflexions critiques, dont Thierry Smolderen (2009) a étudié les longues ramifications pour l’histoire de la bande dessinée. Les productions enfantines, les albums gribouillés, les dessins de marge, les fanzines adolescents constituent autant d’appropriations ou de prolongations de lectures de bandes dessinées qui restent largement invisibles car peu accessibles.
Se tiennent également hors-champ, des espaces de circulation et de canaux de diffusion où la bande dessinée occupe une place modeste, discrète, périphérique, ne faisant pas le cœur du propos : revues professionnelles, circulaires d’information, bulletins de paroisse, pochettes de disques et cassettes, cahiers politiques, tracts militants ou religieux, fanzines queer et féministes, posters et objets imprimés éphémères. On peut aussi par exemple évoquer ce qu’on pourrait appeler des bandes dessinées orphelines, pour reprendre le statut légal ambivalent attribué à des œuvres dont les ayant-droits ne sont pas identifiables. D’autres pratiques, enfin, ont tout intérêt à habiter un certain dehors : l’édition pirate et clandestine, la contrefaçon, le plagiat – des entreprises qui en outre tirent parti de zones géographiques et juridiques. On pourra ici suivre la typologie de « l’édition hors édition » (Habrand 2016) pour décrire et qualifier les gestes et techniques, lieux et contextes propres à différentes manières de faire en dehors de l’institution éditoriale.
À l’identification d’œuvres, d’objets et de pratiques hors-champs peut suivre leur annexion, récupération ou intégration, s’échelonnant sur des temps et des distances plus ou moins longues. Un des objectifs de ce colloque est donc aussi de saisir ces processus par lesquels certaines bandes dessinées « hors-champ » se voient déplacées, recontextualisées, mises au centre ou justement renvoyées à la marge. Ces jeux de passages entre champ et hors-champ soulèvent des questions fondamentales de méthode, qui nous renvoie à nos propres regards disciplinaires.
Dans une perspective historiographique, Sylvain Lesage a montré à quel point l’album et la construction du « neuvième art » ont eu pour effet de renvoyer aux « enfers culturels » une série de productions qui faisaient néanmoins pleine part de son expérience : « illustrés pour filles, pockets d’horreur, “romans dessinés”, bandes quotidiennes » (Lesage 2019, 419). Si retracer les processus de légitimation et de canonisation nous aident à comprendre la construction d’un champ (Beaty & Woo 2016), envisager l’histoire de la bande dessinée par ses laissés pour compte peut aussi être une manière d’interroger nos définitions courantes comme les œillères d’un regard rétrospectif.
Constituer un corpus hors-champ de la bande dessinée invite ainsi à une réflexivité redoublée, l’étude des « cas particuliers » nécessitant de trouver la « bonne focale » (Becker 2016). L’identification de corpus hors-champ et la re-contextualisation de ses objets peuvent également soulever d’importants enjeux éthiques, politiques et idéologiques de ces appropriations.
En mettant en lumière des créations qui ne sont jamais ou rarement prises en compte dans les études dédiées à la bande dessinée, nous ambitionnons certes d’enrichir le spectre des réalisations qui sont susceptibles d’intégrer ces études. Toutefois, notre espoir est aussi que ces objets nouveaux, inhabituels, méconnus ou laissés pour compte invitent par leurs singularités (esthétiques, réseaux de diffusion, statut de l’auteur) à réévaluer les méthodes d’analyses, les points de vue adoptés, les disciplines convoquées pour étudier la bande dessinée. Livio Belloï et Fabrice Leroy ont par exemple montré à quel point l’œuvre de Pierre La Police constitue un « mauvais objet », sorte d’« anti-bande dessinée » qui « oblige pourtant […] à redoubler d’efforts en matière d’inventivité conceptuelle » (2018, 124). Ce colloque, donc, comme invitation à rassembler autant de « mauvais objets » posant de bonnes questions.
Ce colloque invite à l’analyse de cas particuliers et d’exemples parlant, sans restriction géographique ou temporelle et avec un intérêt pour les perspectives comparatistes et intermédiatiques. Les propositions de communications, d’une longueur de 300 mots maximum, seront à envoyées avant le 25 janvier 2021 aux adresses suivantes :
This symposium invites papers on particular case studies and telling examples, without geographic or temporal restrictions and with a particular interest in comparative and intermedial perspectives. Abstracts (max. 300 words) should be sent before January 25, 2021 to the following e-mail address:;
Maaheen Ahmed (UGent)
Benoît Crucifix (UGent)
Erwin Dejasse (ULB)
Fabrice Preyat (ULB)
Jan Baetens (KULeuven)
Laurent Gerbier (Université de Tours)
Simon Grennan (University of Chester)
Maud Hagelstein (ULiège)
Sarah Lombardi (Collection d’Art Brut, Lausanne)
Benoît Majerus (Université de Luxembourg)
Jean-Matthieu Méon (Université de Lorraine)
Elizabeth Nijdam (University of British Columbia)
Denis Saint-Amand (Université de Namur)
Greice Schneider (Universidade Federal de Sergipe)
Tadashi Hattori (Konan University, Kobe)
Baetens, Jan. 2016. “Composer ‘avec’ la folie : La réinvention du récit dans Après la mort, après la vie d’Adolpho Avril et Olivier Deprez.” Neohelicon 43 (1): 147–58.
Barry, Lynda. 2014. Syllabus: Notes from an Accidental Professor. Montreal: Drawn & Quarterly.
———. 2019. Making Comics. Montreal: Drawn & Quarterly.
Beaty, Bart, and Benjamin Woo. 2016. The Greatest Comic Book of All Time: Symbolic Capital and the Field of American Comic Books. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Becker, Howard S. 2016. La bonne focale. De l’utilité des cas particuliers en sciences sociales. Translated by Christine Merllié-Young. Paris: La Découverte.
Belloï, Livio, and Fabrice Leroy. 2018. “Mimer le savoir pour mieux le miner : le pseudo-encyclopédisme de Pierre La Police.” Revue des sciences humaines, no. 330: 123–45.
Boltanski, Luc. 1975. “La constitution du champ de la bande dessinée.” Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales 1 (1): 329–51.
Crucifix, Benoît, and Pedro Moura. 2016. “Bertoyas dans la jungle. Bande dessinée et édition sauvage.” Mémoires du livre 8 (1).
Dejasse, Erwin. 2020. “Art brut et bande dessinée alternative : sympathies réciproques.” Études francophones, no. 32: 94–109.
Habrand, Tanguy. 2016. “L’édition hors édition : vers un modèle dynamique. Pratiques sauvages, parallèles, sécantes et proscrites.” Mémoires du livre 8 (1): 1–53.
Lesage, Sylvain. 2019. L’Effet livre : métamorphoses de la bande dessinée. Tours: Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais.
Maigret, Eric. 1994. “La reconnaissance en demi-teinte de la bande dessinée.” Réseaux 12 (67): 113–40.
Menu, Jean-Christophe. 2011. La bande dessinée et son double: langage et marges de la bande dessinée: perspectives pratiques, théoriques et éditoriales. Paris: L’Association.
Roberts, John. 2010. “Art After Deskilling.” Historical Materialism, no. 18: 77–96.
Smolderen, Thierry. 2009. Naissances de La Bande Dessinée: De William Hogarth à Winsor McCay. Bruxelles: Les Impressions Nouvelles.
International Symposium 22- 23 April 2021
Comics have long relied on reinforcing reader identity formation whether through interest, age group or hobbies. Constructed and largely mythical notions of gendered readership consequently became key aspects of many of these comics. As gendered products, comics have constructed feminine role models and identities to which girls have replied with both rebellion and conformity. The aim of this symposium is to inspire and promote discourse around comparative constructions of girlhood. This exploration will consider relationships between and influences on European girls’ comics in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. We invite paper proposals under four key areas which can include, but are by no means limited to, the following:
– Genre and Categorisation. What (un)acceptable genres for what girls? We seek further understanding of the historical, social and economic preferences for and divisions between gendering of different genres through discussion of more familiar genres such as romance, as well as girls’ relationships with less frequently studied genres such as gothic or fantasy/adventure.
– Representations of Girlhood. What does the representation and embodiment of girlhood look like in comics? How do comics depict girls’ physicality? We seek to examine different kinds of protagonists, alternative identities of girlhood and the impact of female role models and feminine role play. We are especially interested in papers that deal with marginalised identity categories, making explicit room for work on disabled, black, and trans girls, both diegetic (the characters in the texts) and real (the writers, illustrators, editors, researchers).
– Emotional Impact and Response. How do emotionally loaded representations of girls such as the coquettish, nymphetic, cute or grotesque impact readers? We invite a reconsideration of both conventional and radical aesthetic notions associated with girlishness which are perpetuated by comics. We additionally strive to illuminate models of good practice in girlhood comics studies by engaging with the problematic ethical and emotional questions of how personal identity, readership and scholarship impact upon one another, and what implications this has.
– Practices and Interactivity. How do girls use their comics? Papers could contemplate the differing ways in which children are encouraged to act as more than just readers. Does gender play a role in interactions, whether through scrapbooks or paper doll construction, comics collecting, fandom or letters to the editor?
Please submit a proposal of approximately 400 words for a 20-minute paper, together with a biographical note (100-200 words), to by 15 September 2020. You will be notified of acceptance by or before 30 October 2020. The conference language is English. For any questions, please contact us on the above email address.
The keynote lectures will be delivered by Dr. Mel Gibson (Department of Social Work, Education and Community Wellbeing, Northumbria University Newcastle) and Dr. Julia Round (Faculty of Media and Communication, Bournemouth University). Drs. Monalesia Earle and Joe Sutliff Sanders will lead a reflective analysis of three ‘girl comics.’ The conference will furthermore involve a book presentation by comic artists Valentine Gallardo and Mathilde Van Gheluwe.
This symposium is organised by Eva Van de Wiele and Dona Pursall, doctoral researchers of COMICS: An Intercultural History of Children in Comics from 1865 to Today. The conference will be based at Ghent University, Belgium, if health conditions allow. Arrangements for an online conference will be made. We therefore request participants to also commit to a digital presentation.
This symposium is part of the COMICS project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 758502)
Andrews, M., & Talbot, M. M. (2000). All the World and Her Husband: Women in the Twentieth-Century Consumer Culture. London: Cassell.
Cross, G. S. (2004). The Cute and the Cool: Wondrous Innocence and Modern American Children’s Culture. Oxford University Press.
D’haeyere, H. (2012). Stopping The Show Film Photography in Mack Sennett Slapstick Comedies (1917-1933).
Gibson, M. (2015). Remembered Reading: Memory, Comics and Post-war Constructions of British Girlhood. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Gordon, I. (2016). Kid Comic Strips: A Genre Across Four Countries. New York: Palgrave Pivot.
Hatch, K. (2015). Shirley Temple and the Performance of Girlhood. Rutgers University Press.
Heimermann, M., & Tullis, B. (Eds.). (2017). Picturing Childhood: Youth in Transnational Comics. University of Texas Press.
Ngai, S. (2015). Our Aesthetic Categories: Zany, Cute, Interesting.
Round, J., (2019). Gothic for Girls: Misty and British Comics. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
Smith, F. (2020). Bande de Filles: Girlhood Identities in Contemporary France. New York: Routledge.
Tinkler, P., & Taylor & Francis. (2014). Constructing girlhood: Popular Magazines for Girls Growing up in England, 1920-1950. London: Taylor & Francis.
It’s finally time to think more about, and with, comics!
The Comics Lectures series is a thematically open set of talks by renowned comics scholars. It offers a platform for international researchers to introduce their latest research activities to a broad public. Most of the lectures are held in English at Ghent’s city library, De Krook.
The program is accessible here. (The talks for May and June will be rescheduled.)
Please register here.
Many of the scholars participating in the lecture series will also give more specialized workshops for researchers working on comics.
Please drop us a line ( if you’re interested in participating!